The Trusts Arena boasts six indoor courts and can accommodate Basketball court hire, as well as Netball, Roller Sports, Volleyball, Badminton and Wheelchair Basketball. Three of the courts are designated each day for casual Basketball use and therefore, six half courts are available (subject to other bookings). The further three courts are set aside for other bookings, or for alternative sport set-ups.
Please call The Trusts Arena reception ahead of arrival if you wish to use the courts for any sports other than Basketball. This ensures the equipment is available during your court hire, and the set-up is done in a timely manner.
10.00am – 5.00pm – Monday – Sunday (last bookings 5pm)
Please call or email ahead to reception to check availability of courts. Please note that courts may be unavailable due to events and club/group booking.
Call: 09 970 5200 Ext #1
Email: [email protected]
Rates are based on per person per hour and allow for use of ONE HALF COURT/HOOP for up to a max of 6 PLAYERS ONLY.
$3.00 Child/Student with ID
$5.00 Adult
$60.00 FULL COURT HIRE – One full court, 2 hoops for groups of more than 6 players with NO LIMIT on total players.
The above rates apply to all casual (turn up and play) customers and are on a strictly FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS.
Please call or email ahead to reception to check availability of courts. Please note that courts may be unavailable due to events and club/group booking.
We DO NOT accept bookings for half courts, ONLY for full courts.
For the $60.00 casual full court rate to apply you must book NO FURTHER IN ADVANCE THAN 48hrs.
If you wish to make a full court or multiple court booking further in advance than 48hrs, the casual rate WILL NOT APPLY and you will need to fill in the ENQUIRY form on this page.
Keep up to date with court closures by following us on Facebook here.
If you would like to hire a FULL COURT or have other queries related to the courts, please send us an email by using the form below.
PLEASE NOTE: The form below is not a booking form. You will need to wait for a confirmation response before arriving to play.