Basketball Court Hire

The Trusts Arena boasts 6 indoor courts and can accommodate Basketball, Netball, Roller Sports, Volleyball, Badminton and Wheelchair Basketball. 3 of the courts are designated each day for casual Basketball use and therefore 6 half courts are available daily (subject to other bookings). The further 3 courts are set aside for other bookings or for alternative sport set-ups. 

(Please call the Arena ahead of arrival if you wish to use the courts for any sports other than Basketball in order for equipment to be set up & to ensure availability)

10.00am – 5.00pm – Monday – Sunday (last bookings 5pm)

Please call or email ahead to reception to check availability of courts. Please note that courts may be unavailable due to events and club/group booking.

Call: 09 970 5200 Ext #1 

Email: [email protected]


Rates are based on per person per hour and allow for use of ONE HALF COURT/HOOP for up to a max of 6 PLAYERS ONLY.

$3.00 Child/Student with ID

$5.00 Adult

$60.00 FULL COURT HIRE – One full court, 2 hoops for groups of more than 6 players with NO LIMIT on total players.

The above rates apply to all casual (turn up and play) customers and are on a strictly FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS.

Please call or email ahead to reception to check availability of courts. Please note that courts may be unavailable due to events and club/group booking.

We DO NOT accept bookings for half courts, ONLY for Full Courts.

For the $60.00 casual full court rate to apply you must book NO FURTHER IN ADVANCE THAN 48hrs.

If you wish to make a full court or multi-court booking further in advance than 48hrs, the casual rate WILL NOT APPLY and you will need to contact [email protected] or fill in the ENQUIRY form on this page.

If you would like to hire a FULL COURT or have other queries related to the courts, please send us an email by using the form below.


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